Rochelle Acker

Rochelle is the program administrator and brings over 35 years of experience in school aged child care to the program. She studied art, art education, early childhood and special education, with a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design and a MSAE from Mass. College of Art. Her two children attended Brown Middle School and are now young adults. She loves working in her home community, walking with her dog, cooking,  knitting, gardening and being at HASP!

Francis Henk

Francis is returning for his fourth year at HASP. He graduated from Johnson and Wales University and holds a BS in travel, tourism, and hospitality management. After working in the hospitality industry for two years, Francis decided to build upon his years of experience working with youth. He is currently a Director for the summer and vacation camp programs with Newton Parks & Recreation. He enjoys theater, travel, sports, and singing.

Kate Finnan

Kate is very excited to be joining the HASP teaching team this year! Previously, she worked at the Underwood After School Program in Newton, for 4 years as a teacher (including introducing the middle school Makers’ Corner program) and seven years as the director. She holds a BA in Child Development from Tufts and an MA in Art Education from MassArt. She greatly enjoys the creative teaching opportunities of the after school and looks forward to adding to the maker-oriented, sporty, and STEM programming at HASP! She is a proud new mom and when not teaching she also enjoys hanging out with friends and family, going on interesting hikes, traveling, and being crafty.

Candace Alexander

Candace will begin her first year helping with the HASP after-school program. Candace got her bachelor’s degree History with a minor in Ethnic Studies from Westfield State University this year, 2019! She is entering he first year in Simmons University’s Master program to receive her master’s degree in History. Candace worked, previously in an after-school program at the Hyde Park Community Center where she tutored young children. She is also the oldest of three sisters, whom she works hard to set a right example for. In her spare time, Candace enjoys hiking with her dog, trying new foods with her friends, reading a good book, and catching up on Netflix/Hulu shows.